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Podcasts for Primary Care

Where expertise meets your ears

Listen to a series of six unique, unaccredited podcasts by the experts on a variety of topics in primary care

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Pearls to Combat HCP Burnout

Michael Vallis, PhD, R Psych, and Michael Boivin, RPh, CDE, discuss HCP burnout and tips to avoid it.

Unlocking Genetic Secrets: Phamacogenetics in Family Practice

Chad Bousman, MPH, PhD, and Daniel Ngui, MD, CFPC, FCFP, discuss the role of pharmacogenetics in everyday practice. 

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Streamlining Success: A Guide to Navigating Bariatric Surgery

Stephen Glazer, MD, FRCPC, FCCP,  FAASM, and Jeffrey Habert, MD, CCFP, FCFP, discuss how to navigate bariatric surgery referrals.

Navigating Migraine and Menopause

Christine Lay, MD, FRCP, FAHS and Elissa Weinberg, MD, CCFP, FCFP discuss migraine and menopause. 

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Helping Your Patients Help Themselves: Mental Health Resources

Martin Katzman, MD, BSc, FRCP(C) and Christine Palmay, MD, CCFP discuss mental health resources that can help patients to help themselves. 

Locum Frontier: Exploring the Landscape of Primary Care Opportunities

Michael Fralick, MD. PhD, SM and Elissa Weinberg, MD, CCFP, FCFP discuss the benefits of locuming and the opportunities available for HCPs in primary care. 

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